點選 Select Control 按鈕 (按下去跳出視窗) , 選擇 Add (下拉式選單) 的翻譯
Automatic Catch-Up 自動 捕捉-最多
Skinning 蒙皮
Copy Anchors 複製錨
Shearing Forces 剪切力
Explosion Force Control 爆炸力控制
Wind Force 風力
Skinned Position Force 皮膚的位置力
Shrinking Force (Cloth Sheet) 收縮力(布片)
Shrinking Force (Cloth Tube) 收縮力(布管)
Impulse Forces 脈衝力
Internal Damping Forces 內部阻尼力
Structural Constraints (Cloth Sheet) 結構約束(布片)
Structural Constraints (Cloth Tube) 結構約束(布管)
Row Stretch Constraint 行伸展約束
Column Stretch Constraint 列伸展約束
Bend Resistance (Cloth) 抗彎曲性(布)
Skinned Position Constraint 皮膚的位置約束
Skinned Normal Constraint 剝皮正常約束
Sphere Collision Constraint 球體碰撞約束
Capsule Collision Constraint 膠囊碰撞約束
Plane Collision Constraint 平面碰撞約束
Calculate Normals (Cloth) 計算法線(布)
Mesh Generator (Cloth Sheet) 網格生成(布片)
Mesh Generator (Cloth Tube) 網格生成(布管)
Simulation Skinned Blend 混合仿真蒙皮
Structural Constraints (Strands) 結構約束(絞線)
Bend Resistance (Strands) 抗彎曲性(絞線)
Calculate Normals (Strands) 計算法線(絞線)
Mesh Generator (Strands) 網發生成(絞線)
Mesh Generator (Thick Cloth) 網格生成(厚布)
Deforms a user created mesh based on the positions of the simulation. 用戶創建的網的位置的基礎上的仿真變形。
Mesh Skinning 網狀蒙皮
Mesh Skinning Blend 網剝皮混合